In the News

As Reichbach Center patient-guests, we want you to hear it first! Please learn more about our recent news and events through the articles below. 


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A recent article from Sarasota Magazine earned a first-place finish in the City and Regional Magazine Association 39th annual national magazine awards. The article, “The New Medicine of the Mind,” highlights how ketamine and other psychedelics are growing in popularity for their utilization in mental health care.

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Dr. Steven Reichbach, a board-certified anesthesiologist and practitioner of alternative care, advocates for the mental health of individuals locally and nationally, and he wants to bring attention to ways everyone can prioritize their mental wellness.Dr. Reichbach emphasizes the efficacy of ketamine in addressing treatment-resistant depression, chronic pain and various mental health conditions. 

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Dr. Steven Reichbach recently discussed his experiences in healthcare and how it led to the formation of Reichbach Center. He also talks about the evolution of Reichbach Center over time and the changes he's seen for his patients along the way.

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The recent death of Matthew Perry has shined the spotlight on ketamine and its use in the treatment of certain mental health disorders. Like most drugs, ketamine can be used, misused, and abused by people wishing to do so. What we also know is that ketamine can be an effective tool in treating difficult cases of depression, anxiety, PTSD, and suicidal ideations in a relatively short period of time.

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Dr. Steven Reichbach was featured in an article in Lifestyles After 50 magazine sharing his expertise on IV ketamine treatments for severe depression, neuropathic pain disorders, and other related issues.

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Dr. Steven Reichbach was recently featured on The Rehab podcast discussing ketamine’s range of benefits and versatility.

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Bekki decided to meet with Dr. Steven Reichbach at Reichbach Center, who told her that she had complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). Dr. Reichbach recommended ketamine IV therapy as a solution to address the CRPS pain. By her second session, Bekki was able to sleep through the night for the first time in three years. By the end of two weeks, she could walk with the aid of a walker.

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Dr. Steven Reichbach was recently featured in an article in VoyageTampa sharing some background on Reichbach Center and the significance of ketamine treatments.

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Pharmacist Michael is hosted by a board-certified clinical pharmacist who has over 35 years of experience and specializes in psychiatry and pharmacotherapy. He brought Dr. Reichbach onto his show to share a comprehensive understanding of ketamine and what people can expect when pursuing this option.

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While traditional antidepressants can be effective for some, others are not experiencing relief. Finding effective treatments that work for patients suffering from treatment-resistant depression (TRD) can seem hopeless, but with newer treatment options available, hope can return.

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Dr. Steven Reichbach recently recorded a podcast discussing ketamine with Dr. Mark Leeds.

Dr. Leeds is an alcohol, opioid, and opiate addiction and dependence specialist in South Florida. He brought Dr. Reichbach onto his show to share more about the real results people are experiencing with ketamine infusion therapy.

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After a life-threatening event, developing post-traumatic stress disorder can keep that threat alive, so Reichbach Center is spreading the word that June 27 is National PTSD Awareness Day. Reichbach Center delivers care for PTSD patients from across the country daily, and its experts know the importance of screening for PTSD as well as effective treatment for those who struggle despite traditional therapies.

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I am often asked by patients and physicians inquiring about Ketamine therapy, which route of administration is most effective and safe…

Southwest Florida's Health and Wellness Magazine (2020)

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From college students to corporate executives, many Americans experience feeling like a fraud, which describes the phenomenon known as impostor syndrome.

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The local pain relief practice formerly known as Gulf Coast Ketamine Center is now Reichbach Center.

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While mental health awareness has grown in recent years, so have its avenues of treatment.

VIP could not be more excited than to announce the addition of Dr. Stephen Reichbach (Rysch-Back) to our V.I.P. family of physicians volunteering OrthoBiologic & Alternative solutions for Veterans suffering from physical and emotional chronic pain, leading our V.I.P. Ketamine Support Division for Brain & Systemic Health. 

Dr. Steven Reichbach Opens Only Ketamine Infusion Therapy Center in Sarasota-Manatee Area

The Gulf Coast Ketamine Center has opened the first ketamine infusion therapy center to serve patients in the Sarasota-Manatee area…

Bradenton Patch (2016)

Dr. Steven Reichbach Opens Only Ketamine Infusion Therapy Center in Sarasota-Manatee Area

The Gulf Coast Ketamine Center has opened the first ketamine infusion therapy center to serve patients…

Sarasota Post (2016)

Medical Pioneers

When it comes to helping patients get relief from chronic pain, severe depression and other mood disorders…

SRQ Magazine (2016)

First Ketamine Infusion Therapy Center Opens on Suncoast

The Gulf Coast Ketamine Center has opened the first ketamine infusion therapy center in the Sarasota–Manatee area…

SNN News (2016) | Video

Sarasota Ketamine Center Opens

The Gulf Coast Ketamine Center recently opened a ketamine infusion therapy center in Sarasota…

941CEO (2016)

CEO E-blast-12-21-16

The Gulf Coast Ketamine Center recently opened a ketamine infusion therapy center in Sarasota…

941CEO Biz Daily (2016)

Alternative Medicine Roundtable

Relief is now available for those who suffer with chronic neuropathic pain or debilitating depression…

SRQ Magazine (December 2016)